biography Dennis Dithmar Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Born in 1968 in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Dithmar used his young years playing all sorts of air instruments at home while attending school at Sankt Annæ Gymnasium, one of the country's most highly recognized musical colleges. Kraftwerk, Klaus Schulze and Tangerine Dream were and still are some of Dithmars biggest sources of inspiration. From the middle of the 80's he played several synth bands and did music scores for a number of small experimental Danish films aswell as attending some exibitions on modern Danish art museums. When jungle and drum'n bass hit the country Dithmar turned focus on that, producing and mixing for several artists aswell as releasing a solo-album under the name of Computa in 1998 with a number of guest artists - Trentemøller, N.I.S., DJ Caspar and Dj Pyro, along with Danish keyboard legend Kenneth Knudsen. The last couple of years Dithmar has been working on two separate fronts. Together with NamNam Records delivering a number of tech/club tracks, and the big acknowlegdement project making remakes and his own Zeit-tracks all inspired by the old german heroes: Kraftwerk, Schulze and Tangerine Dream. This project has now developed into his first solo release in a decade - Zodiac Zeit and Eternity- on Mellowjet Records. |